An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, January 4, 2025

Faces of Africa - Sons of Africa - A Catholic & A Moslem Walk Together


Their fathers did not see eye to eye and their relationship ended up in war. But their sons, Jaffar Amin, the son of Idd Amin former president of Uganda and Madaraka Nyerere son of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere former president of Tanzania, embarked on a journey of peace, of discovery and of reconciliation up Mt. Kilimanjaro, Uhuru peak 5895 metres above sea level. It's a grueling journey but they are determined. Will they reconcile and end the rivarly which has lasted for decades between their families?  父親同士の意見が合わず、彼らの関係は戦争にまで発展した。しかし、彼らの息子たち、ウガンダ元大統領イド・アミンの息子ジャファール・アミンとタンザニア元大統領ムワリム・ジュリアス・ニエレレの息子マダラカ・ニエレレは、標高5895メートルのキリマンジャロ山、ウフル峰に登り、平和と発見と和解の旅に出た。過酷な旅だが、彼らは決意している。彼らは和解し、両家の間に何十年も続いてきた敵対関係を終わらせることができるだろうか?

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