An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, June 15, 2018

Experts on multicultural parishes share

Sessions says the Bible justifies separating immigrant families. The verses he cited are infamous.
The Washington Post: Attorney General Jeff Sessions cites 13th chapter of Romans to defend the Trump administration's practice of separating children from their immigrant parents.
The Baltimore Sun: Sessions at odds with his church on immigrants

Southern Baptists mull what's next on confronting abuse
Religion News Service: The sermons, the hymn singing and the floor debates of the Southern Baptists' annual meeting have concluded, but a key question remains: How will the denomination address the issues of sexual and physical abuse that loomed over the proceedings?
Baptist News Global: A little side-eye to John R. Rice and others of his ilk

10 new or lesser-known female theologians worth knowing
Christianity Today: More and more evangelical women are pursuing higher education in theology. Here are a few you haven't heard of yet.

Experts on multicultural parishes share best ways to create community
National Catholic Reporter: Two experts on multicultural ministry from both coasts, agree: The church needs to get this right as it moves into a future with a declining base of white Catholics.

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