An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

July 22, 2018 - Sunday Bulletin - Saint Patrick Catholic Parish

Sunday Bulletin
Saint Patrick Catholic Parish
 Sunday, July 22, 2018 — Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

The new deadline for unifying all parents and children who were separated at the border is July 26th. The first deadline to reunify the children under five years-old was missed. The government has been coordinating a massive effort to match parents and children, but it has proven to be a daunting task.
Investigations into how the actual procedure of the separations took place, and where all the children were kept will probably continue beyond the July 26th deadline.
I have already read some upsetting ones. The trauma of such experiences, according to the president of the American Academy of Pediatrics who visited one detention facility, could cause the children irreparable harm.
The family is the building block of society, and the Catholic family has been called by Church documents as “domestic Church.” Therefore, I was pleased when the President signed the executive order to keep families together.
While the government has the right and duty to regulate its borders and to control immigration, there was no foresight to avoid the current mess, and the harm and trauma already caused to the children.
In Christ, Fr. Carlos, O.S.A.

 We, the church of Saint Patrick, in the community of North Park,
of the Roman Catholic Diocese and City of San Diego,
declare this to be our primary mission:
to come together to celebrate the Eucharist,
hear God’s word proclaimed,
give praise and thanksgiving to God,
and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We believe that by freely sharing our faith, talents, and treasures,
we discover Christ’s presence among us and bring Him to others.
We have a strong desire to give and receive love, service, peace, support,
and fellowship, within our families, our parish, our community, and the world.
Open to the power of the Holy Spirit, we pursue this mission faithfully and lovingly.

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