An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Renewing the Intellectual Optics of Catholicism

When the Church Reads the Signs of the Times

James Kalb

What’s the connection between time and eternity? Twitter and scripture? How can we use human language to speak of divine things? It’s complicated, so it’s not surprising we sometimes get it wrong. Gaudium et Spes, a document of the Second Vatican Council, says the Church should read the signs of the times, so that “in […]

Renewing the Intellectual Optics of Catholicism

Gavin F. Hurley

The liberal arts curriculum formally grew as theological education in the early Middle Ages; however, this heritage seems to have been largely forgotten. Over the years, I’ve found that professors at English and Composition conferences often tilt their heads at me when I mention theology. Sometimes they deflect the conversation toward more comfortable topics of […]

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