An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, July 23, 2018

Revelations of US cardinal sex abuse will force pope's hand

Nicaragua clergy, siding with protesters, becomes 'terrible enemy' of Ortega
New York Times: The Roman Catholic Church is on the front lines of an escalating conflict between the increasingly authoritarian government of President Daniel Ortega and the broad-based opposition that wants him gone. In a country where the church has often been immersed in politics, priests are both witnesses and players in the crisis that has racked the nation for the past three months and claimed almost 300 lives.

Revelations of US cardinal sex abuse will force pope's hand
Associated Press: Revelations that one of the most respected U.S. cardinals, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, repeatedly sexually abused both boys and adult seminarians have raised questions about who in the Catholic Church hierarchy knew - and what Pope Francis is going to do about it.

Church of England plans to test aspiring clergy for skills, aptitude - and narcissism
Religion News Service: Responding to growing concern about the kinds of priests the Church of England is attracting, Anglican leaders are considering expanding its assessments of clergy candidates to include more rigorous psychological testing.

Can artificial intelligence predict religious violence?
Atlantic: The Modeling Religion Project is designed to give politicians an empirical tool that will help them assess competing policy options so they can choose the most effective one. It uses computer models populated with virtual people and empirically validated social-science rules about how humans tend to interact under various pressures.

Recruiter opens Yale Divinity School to diversity, local clergy
New Haven Register: For three years, the Rev. Herron Gaston has worked to carry out Dean Gregory Sterling's goal of opening the seminary to a broader range of people and letting potential students from New Haven know that the high-quality theological education the school offers is available to them, and so are many free programs and speakers.

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