An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Coping with anxiety in a pandemic

Coping with anxiety in a pandemic
Sojourners: Anxiety is not sustainable -- it never was -- especially in what is likely to become a months-long global crisis. The key is learning simple and practical ways to help us cope.

On not getting used to this
Christian Century: "My spiritual practices have long been communal ones," Melissa Florer-Bixler writes. "I love people -- and their presence."

Dear Liberty University board: Please stop Jerry Falwell Jr. before it's too late
Religion News Service: Jerry Falwell, Jr. is about to make a terrible mistake. It's time for the Liberty University board to stop him and shut the campus down before it's too late.

Pastor again defies state order not to hold large gatherings. He says 1,000 people came to his church Sunday
CNN: Remember the Louisiana pastor who defied the governor's order not to hold gatherings larger than 50 people? He held services again on Sunday.

Pope announces extraordinary 'urbi et orbi' blessing March 27
National Catholic Reporter: The formal blessing -- usually given only immediately after a new pope's election and on Christmas and Easter -- carries with it a plenary indulgence.

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