An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Beware of the virus of ‘selfish indifference’, says pope on Divine Mercy Sunday

US commission faults Indian hospital's alleged religious segregation of coronavirus patients
Reports of an Indian hospital's segregated wards for Hindu and Muslim coronavirus patients drew concern from the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom, though...

How Catholic schools scrambled to meet technology needs for distance learning
It has been one month since most schools across the US closed their doors due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Michigan governor calls abortion 'life sustaining'
Pro-life adovcates have criticized the governor of Michigan for calling aboriton a “life-sustaining” procedure during an interview on Thursday.

LA archdiocese to lead novena for sexual abuse healing
The Archdiocese of Los Angeles will lead nine days of prayer and reflection for healing from sexual abuse, from April 18-26.

German cardinal says it’s 'high time' to restore public Masses
A German cardinal has said it is “high time” to restore public liturgies as the country begins to ease lockdown measures.

Pro-life leaders call for coronavirus vaccine without abortion ties
Development of an effective, safe and widely available vaccine for the novel coronavirus is deeply important, but its development should avoid unethical links to abortion, said...

Catholic Relief Services: Don’t forget migrants, refugees amid pandemic
Catholic Relief Services has called for additional protections for migrants, refugees and homeless populations as the coronavirus pandemic continues.

St. Camillus de Lellis: Patron saint of hospitals, nurses, and the sick
St. Camillus de Lellis turned from a life as a soldier and gambler to become a priest and the founder of an order dedicated to caring for the sick. He is now the patron saint of...

Vatican congregation to send ventilators to Syria and Holy Land
A Vatican Congregation has announced that it is sending medical supplies to Syria and the Holy Land as the coronavirus spreads across the Middle East. 

Amid coronavirus, Catholic psychologists provide a frame for suicide prevention
As health experts predict an increase in suicidal tendencies amid the coronavirus, Catholic professionals have outlined how to seek help and to be aware of those inclined to...

Advocates lament exclusion of those with criminal records from business loan program
After receiving more than 1.6 million applications, a key part of the US government’s economic response to the coronavirus pandemic, known as the Paycheck Protection Program,...

Full text: Pope Francis’ homily on Divine Mercy Sunday
Here is the full text of Pope Francis' homily on Divine Mercy Sunday, delivered April 19 at Santo Spirito in Sassia, Rome.  

Beware of the virus of ‘selfish indifference’, says pope on Divine Mercy Sunday
Humanity could be struck by “an even worse virus” after the coronavirus crisis, that of “selfish indifference”, Pope Francis said as he celebrated Mass on...

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