An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Domesticity Is Not Slavery

The Fate of the First Amendment Will Be Decided By These Nine Cases

Patrick J. Reilly

This month the Little Sisters of the Poor returned to the U.S. Supreme Court, once again defending their right to practice the Catholic faith by refusing to provide for contraceptives in their health insurance plan. This is a stark reminder that even years later the Obama administration’s assault on religious freedom continues to impact religious […]

Domesticity Is Not Slavery

Jane Clark Scharl

The New York Times recently ran a piece titled “Women’s Unpaid Labor is Worth $10,900,000,000,000.” It was exactly as cynical and one-sided as one might expect. Though the piece masqueraded as a simple survey of women’s often-unseen contributions to society (in honor of International Women’s Day), the piece slipped in the quasi-Marxist commercialist drivel that […]

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