An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Monday, May 11, 2020

The allure and danger of anti-modern religion

On Mother's Day, young Uighurs ask: Where are our moms?
Religion News Service: Akida Pulat has made it through her last three birthdays and the onset of a pandemic without knowing where her mother is. This weekend, she added a third Mother's Day to the list.

The allure and danger of anti-modern religion
New York Magazine: For contemporary millennials, the usages of premodern Christianity can become a means of rebelling against liberal relativist culture and its distant cousin, capitalist economics. But for every Christian socialist, there is a protofascist who also views capitalism as the work of the devil.

Catholic bishop suspends priest and issues trespass order over blog about clergy sex abuse*
Washington Post: A months-long standoff between a Catholic bishop in Virginia and a priest who blogs frequent, strident criticism of the church's handling of clergy sexual abuse has boiled over, with the diocese suspending the priest from ministry and changing parish and residence locks where he was assigned.

Mothers in sanctuary, living in churches for over two years, endure isolation
National Catholic Reporter: While millions of Americans are still adjusting to the social isolation brought on by the coronavirus pandemic, Edith Espinal and Miriam Vargas have been strangers to what is considered normal for more than two years now.

On the spirituality of quarantine
Christian Century: How can we be "witnesses to the ends of the earth" right now? Craig Barnes has found some help from St. Benedict and St. Gregory.

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