An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, July 17, 2020

California city will remove St. Junipero Serra statue from public grounds

When French revolutionaries sacked Rome and kidnapped the pope

By Peter M.J. Stravinskas on Jul 16, 2020 06:40 pm
A new book by Christian Browne, The Pearl of Great Price: Pius VI & the Sack of Rome (Arouca Press), is a historical play that tells the true story of the invasion of Rome by [...]
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Why pro-lifers angry at Chief Justice Roberts may eventually thank him

By Russell Shaw on Jul 16, 2020 05:51 pm
Disappointed pro-lifers were predictably angry at Chief Justice John Roberts for providing the fifth vote in the five-member Supreme Court majority that last month struck down a Louisiana law requiring doctors who do abortions to [...]
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California city will remove St. Junipero Serra statue from public grounds

By Catholic News Agency on Jul 16, 2020 03:43 pm
CNA Staff, Jul 16, 2020 / 12:55 pm (CNA).- The city council of Ventura, California has voted to remove a statue of St. Junipero Serra from the grounds of city hall, amid riots and protests [...]
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The “Mosquing” of Hagia Sophia: What is at stake?

By Ines Angeli Murzaku on Jul 15, 2020 09:27 pm
“Give way, I say, renowned Roman Capitol, give way!” So wrote Paul the Silentiary (d. 575-580 A.D.), a Greek poet and palace official in Constantinople, known for his short poems, eighty of which have survived [...]
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The “Mosquing” of Hagia Sophia: Why should Catholics care?

By Dr. Adam A. J. DeVille on Jul 15, 2020 09:26 pm
Here is an instructive contrast: on the one hand, the massive, immediate, and ongoing Western media coverage of the fire of Notre Dame de Paris last year, including commentary from the U.S. president, along with [...]
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The Next Pope and Vatican II

By George Weigel on Jul 15, 2020 03:01 am
Polemics about the Second Vatican Council continue to bedevil the global Catholic conversation. Some Catholics, often found in the moribund local Churches of western Europe, claim that the Council’s “spirit” has never been implemented (although [...]
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Criticism of Cardinal Dolan letter ‘silly,’ Weigel publisher says

By Catholic News Agency on Jul 14, 2020 10:16 pm
Denver Newsroom, Jul 14, 2020 / 06:30 pm (CNA).- The publisher of a new book by papal biographer George Weigel said Tuesday that it sent Weigel’s latest text to Catholic cardinals as a matter of [...]
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Martin Luther King and the religious motivation for social change

By Bishop Robert Barron on Jul 14, 2020 10:00 pm
A principal reason why the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s was so successful both morally and practically was that it was led largely by people with a strong religious sensibility. The most [...]
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Is a re-Catholicization of Britain underway?

By Filip Mazurczak on Jul 14, 2020 08:17 pm
If present trends continue, the United Kingdom – one of the world’s most irreligious societies and long home to a Protestant majority – is bound to become a Catholic nation for the first time since [...]
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Ireland’s new coalition government and the secularization of Irish schools

By John P. McCarthy on Jul 14, 2020 04:56 pm
There was an extraordinary gap between the last Irish national election on February 8 and the formation of a government on June 27. The gap was caused by the failure of any party to gain [...]
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