An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The heresy of oversimplified Christianity

8 days into semester, Notre Dame halts in-person classes as 146 students get coronavirus
NBC News: "The virus is a formidable foe," Notre Dame's president said. Also on Tuesday, Michigan State University suspended plans for in-person classes on campus.

Rowan Williams: Theological education is for everyone
Christianity Today: To do theology is to rediscover the strangeness of the Christian framework.

The heresy of oversimplified Christianity
National Catholic Reporter: Whereas this false Christianity promotes "either/or" approaches to faith and morals, true Christianity has always been a "both/and" tradition.

Bishop Mariann Budde appeals to 'better angels' in Democratic convention prayer
Religion News Service: The Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde focused her prayer before the Democratic National Convention Tuesday evening (Aug. 18) on a Christian appeal to grace.

Churches want to help schools but aren't sure what's best this year
Baptist News Global: The coronavirus is forcing public schools to rethink how they will educate students this fall which, in turn, is forcing churches to rethink how they will minister to neighborhood schools.

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