An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, October 23, 2020

'civil union' not mistranslated in documentary

Argentine archbishop and Pope Francis advisor says 'civil union' not mistranslated in documentary

A long-time theological advisor to Pope Francis has weighed in on the meaning of a phrase used by the pope in a video clip in “Francesco,” a documentary released...


Pope Francis' homosexuality comments heavily edited in documentary, Vatican has no comment on civil unions

“Francesco,” a newly-released documentary on Pope Francis contains comments from the pope on homosexuality and civil unions. Some of the remarks, however, are the...


Questions emerge regarding Pope Francis' statement on same-sex civil unions

Fr. Antonio Spadaro, SJ, director of the Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica, said on Wednesday evening that an expression of support for same-sex civil unions from Pope...


Killer of martyred Italian nun: ‘I can have of her only a memory of love’

The three teenage girls who killed Sr. Maria Laura Mainetti 20 years ago attested afterward that while they were stabbing the 60-year-old religious sister to death, she told them...


Polish city unveils giant St. John Paul II mural in centenary year

A Polish city has unveiled a giant mural of St. John Paul II in honor of the birth centenary of the pope whose feast day is celebrated Thursday.


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