An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Who was Henrietta Mears?

Dozens of LGBTQ students at Christian colleges sue the U.S. Education Dept., hoping to pressure Equality Act negotiations*
The Washington Post: The suit says the religious exemption the schools are given that allow them to have discriminatory policies is unconstitutional because they receive government funding.

Indonesia church bombing wounds 20 on Palm Sunday
NPR: Two suicide bombers attacked a Roman Catholic church compound in Makassar, Indonesia, on Sunday morning, injuring at least 20 people, according to state officials. While no deaths among the churchgoers have been reported, police say both attackers died in the blast.

‘Post-Christian’ Britain: A spiritual enigma
The Guardian: The majority of us do not belong to any religion. But for most, atheism is not an option either.

Who was Henrietta Mears?*
Christian Century: A new biography of the woman who shaped the men who shaped modern evangelicalism.

Asian women lead charge against bigotry in Christian rallies across U.S.
Sojourners: The National Rally for AAPI Lives and Dignity, organized by the Asian American Christian Collaborative, in partnership with local churches and organizations, took place in Atlanta, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and 11 other cities.

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