An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Friday, March 5, 2021

Why the pope is visiting one of the world’s oldest Christian communities

Why the pope is visiting one of the world’s oldest Christian communities*
The New York Times: The trip is taking place despite concerns about the pandemic and security. Here’s a brief look at why Francis is visiting Iraq, what the trip will entail and what he hopes to achieve.

Facing changing spirituality on campus, historic chaplain groups merge
Religion News Service: The merger is a response to increasing diversification of spiritual life at American schools, with students, faculty and staff pursuing not only a wider range of faiths but also no faith at all.

Seven questions I ask before posting to social media*
Christian Century: The first question -- Is it worth it?

Calls grow to prioritize Italy’s priests for COVID vaccination
The Guardian: Death toll of clergy, many of whom have assisted and comforted the sick since start of pandemic, is nearing 270.

Building Indigenous power in philanthropy
SSIR: While allies and advisors are important in our work, it’s more important to support and develop our own Indigenous power, leadership, and decision-making.

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