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An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Australia’s first Pentecostal PM

CDC director: Masked, fully vaccinated people can safely attend worship indoors
Religion News Service: ‘As we gather more and more data on the real-world efficacy of vaccines, we know that masked, fully vaccinated people can safely attend worship services inside,’ said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.
Is faith the key to herd immunity?
Deseret News: New research shows that faith-based initiatives could boost vaccination rates among not just the religious but all Americans.
Iconographer Kelly Latimore sees God in plain sight*
Christian Century: Kelly Latimore has seen his sacred paintings leave the church and march in the streets.
Holocaust survivor and Jewish author Elie Wiesel engraved into Washington National Cathedral*
The Washington Post: The designers of the massive Washington National Cathedral, as close as the United States might have to a national house of worship, left its limestone uncarved in multiple key spots, openings for cathedral leaders as time goes on to consider which people and ideas most need spiritual honoring.
Scott Morrison tells Christian conference he was called to do God’s work as prime minister
The Guardian: Australia’s first Pentecostal PM says he practises the tradition of ‘laying on of hands’ while working and calls misuse of social media the work of ‘the evil one.’

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