Today we celebrate CORPUS
CHRISTI, a solemnity with which we publicly confess that Jesus
Christ is truly present in the Bread and Wine consecrated during the
Eucharist. This true faith has its origin in the words that Christ uttered
at the last supper: "
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, said the blessing, broke
it, and giving it to his disciples said, “Take and eat; this is my
body.” Then he took a cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying,
“Drink from it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which
will be shed on behalf of many for the forgiveness of sins.” (Mt:
26: 26-28). This
text can also be found in Mc 14, 22-26 and in Lc 22, 15-20. In the
same way, the apostle Saint Paul attests to these words of Christ in 1
Cor 11: 23-25. With these biblical texts, a truth of faith revealed
by Jesus himself and by the Tradition of the Church is expressed. It is precisely
the Church who knows how to recognize the presence of Jesus in the consecrated
Bread and Wine, since following what Jesus commanded, the Church continues
to make Jesus Christ himself present in the Eucharistic sacrament.
As an expression of faith
in the
real presence of Jesus in the consecrated Bread and Wine, every
week, Catholics try to have a moment of prayer and adoration before the
Blessed Sacrament. We call this meeting Holy Hour, because the
time in the presence of Jesus in the Sacrament is holy time, since we
are before God himself. What a blessing to be able to enjoy
today, in this moment, the real presence of God, and let ourselves be consoled,
guided, forgiven and healed by Him. We must also remember that the express
invitation that Jesus makes about his real presence is to come to eat
his Body and drink his Blood, because by eating his Body worthily
and drinking his Blood worthily we obtain Eternal Life, because eating
his Body and drinking His Blood makes it possible for Him to live in us
and for us to remain with Him (John
6: 51-58). Let us celebrate that Christ is still with us and becomes
food for the Christian pilgrim on this earth. Let us courageously
confess the love of God present in the humility of the consecrated Bread
and Wine. And let us thank God for all his goods with a holy life,
because He has called us to Holiness.
Pastor Carlos Flores, OSA
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