VOTE ~ Christian Voter Apathy Could Shape The 2024 U.S. Election ~ VOTE

An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Wednesday, June 14, 2023



Today’s first reading (Exodus 19: 2-6a) tells us that the people camped in front of the mountain, the place to which Moses went up to speak with God. God himself was the one who called Moses to go up because He had something to say and He wants to be heard. In this same way, when we approach God and set close to Him, we will begin an ascent experience, since the soul rises to God in prayer, there where we speak with God, who also tells us today that He
wants to be heard. Let us try to pay attention to the Word of God that expresses the divine will, and let us avoid other voices trying to confuse and lose us, as they can distance us from God. With the clear idea that God wants to be heard, as we have just reflected, in the gospel Jesus is inviting us to pray to the Father so that the Good News of the Gospel, in which the Kingdom of God is announced, reaches all people. People who perhaps do not know of God's love for all, a love that leads Jesus Christ to give his life for all (as mentioned in today's second reading Romans 5: 6-11; (“But God proves his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.”).  

Today, as in the times of Jesus, many live their lives “like sheep without a shepherd", without anyone accompanying them on the path of truth and life, accompanying them on the path that is the very person of Jesus Christ; because only through Christ can one reach God the Father and find in Him salvation, peace, happiness, and the meaning of existence in fullness. How much does our world need to announce the Gospel of Jesus Christ! But how few seem to rise to the challenge of committing to this announcement. This mission given by Jesus to his disciples (us) is an urgent mission to fulfill. It cannot be postponed for a better time, there is no better time to announce the Gospel than now.

Christ continues to call everyone by name so that they listen to Him and decide to follow Him, and that the Gospel can continue to be announced in His name; but perhaps only a few dare to try, to leave personal projects behind, to make God's project a personal project. What greater mission can there be than to work for the salvation of the world? What greater greatness than serving Jesus himself serving others? What greater honor than to hear that God has pronounced our name and invites us to be with Him?

Dear brothers and sisters, let us not stop asking God in his mercy to continue calling some of us to his service. May Jesus find generous hearts capable of offering life and efforts to build the Kingdom of God. May brave men and women arise who accept the challenge of offering the world today the salvation that comes from God, who too often goes ignored and who humbly asks humanity for the opportunity to be heard in order to give each soul everything we desire: an unconditional love. Knowing the love of God and announcing it is our mission.

P. Carlos Flores, OSA

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