An Ecumenical Ministry in the Parish of St Patrick's Catholic Church In San Diego USA


Saturday, November 18, 2023

Look, God is my deliverer!

Look, God is my deliverer! I will trust in him and not fear. For the Lord gives me strength and protects me; he has become my deliverer.” Joyfully you will draw water from the springs of deliverance. Isaiah 12:2–3 (NET)
Hello everyone,
Sometimes, an idea takes on a life of its own. Several months ago, I wrote a post reflecting on the word Reconciled. I continued with Satisfied, Rescued, Determined, Loved, Sanctified, Redeemed, and last week, Restored! I did not start off with the intention of writing on a series of words, but one thing led to another.

Today, I explored the word Delivered
. It has similarities to Rescued, but to my way of thinking, it goes further and encompasses more territory. I see rescue as the extraction from a difficult or dangerous situation. Still, deliverance not only extricates us from harm’s way but also brings us into a place of promise and abundance. However, the journey itself will bring more challenges and character-building.
My pastor, Ben Brinkman, also on the E4 board of elders, has been preaching a series on the Sermon on the Mount. He had done a masterful job of presenting the truth of God’s word, especially on some difficult passages. I believe that it will be beneficial to some of you to view his messages on “Sexual Sins” and “Divorce.” Pastor Ben handles these subjects with grace and love, yet without compromising the truth. I encourage you to take the time to view these timely messages.
I am looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with my family next week, but I also plan on sharing with you a short video Thanksgiving greeting and completing this series of one-word posts with some thoughts on what it means to be “Blessed.”
Blessings, Steve Ekeroth

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